Pigeons and Quail Transport Cage

39,00 + VAT

The Plastic Pigeon and Quail Basket is used for the transport of pigeons, quails or other birds of similar characteristics. This product is made of resistant materials that prevent the escape of the animal, as well as that it suffers any damage.

The plastic with which the Cage is made, makes the transport of animals is flexible and safe. The product has an entrance both from the top and from the side to introduce the bird.

Pigeons and Quail Transport Cage

The Pigeon and Quail Transport Cage is used for the transport of pigeons, quails or other birds of similar characteristics. This product is made of resistant materials that prevent the escape of the animal, as well as that it suffers any damage.

The plastic with which the Cage is made, makes the transport of animals is flexible and safe. The product has an entrance both from the top and from the side to introduce the bird.

Plastic grids allow the bird to breathe without problems, as well as being able to transport them in a comfortable and flexible way. The large capacity of the cage allows transporting several animals, within the same cell.

The Pigeon and Quail Transport Cage complies with all the regulations of the Animal Protection Law. It is advisable to visit the Plastic Basket of Pigeons and Quails every day, thus avoiding the animal suffering from hunger or thirst.

Both Pigeons and Quails are medium-sized birds, with a varied diet. It is essential to give the necessary food and drink to these Birds since, in addition to being immoral, Failure to supply the animals with basic needs is punishable by law.

characteristics of the Pigeon and Quail Transport Cage:

Dimensions: 675 x 450 x 150 mm.