Tablilla Atención Peligro cacería de jabalí camino cortado por razones de seguridad (C. Valenciana) 50×33

3,60 + VAT

Tablilla Atención Peligro cacería de jabalí camino cortado por razones de seguridad.

Tablilla para la Comunidad Valenciana con medidas 50×33.

The regulations indicate that this tablet is used in the Valencian Community, being a different model to the rest of Spain, so in each area they will use the one indicated in their normative.

The Tablet has some measures 50 × 33, reason why it is grouped within the first order.

Highly reinforced

This Tablet is made with a Highly reinforced Galvanized Steel sheet. This material allows you to withstand inclement weather.

It is recommended to buy the folding stand along with the tablet, because it can be placed anywhere. The Tablet must signpost in a visible place the danger by Montería. A bad placement of the splint can prevent the person from being warned of the danger, entering the area and thus putting their integrity at risk.

El fondo blanco con letras rojas, hacen que la Tablilla sea eye-catching. La parte inferior derecha de la Tablilla permite colocar al cazador la fecha de la batida de forma manual.