Comederos Perdices y Conejos

Jauteco feeders are specific feeders for certain animal species, which feed them to go to a certain area to eat it.

Each feeder is designed to supply food to a specific series of species. The mechanisms used prevent the appearance of other animals, while not allowing parasites to enter.

Through the specific indications of each product, these feeders must have a strategic assembly. With this assembly, within a specific position, we will prevent the feeder from being knocked down.

Mechanically, they will supply food to the animals, so they will go to the area to eat. The human will have control of the animal species, with less time and effort than a manual bait.

Since its inception, feeders have been a great help to hunters. The scheduling of the feeder, at the same time, allows hunters to control prey without the need to go personally to feed them day after day, thus investing less time and effort for the same practice.

Within our products in this category, you will find all the necessary gadgets for their use.