Electric Shepherds

Electric shepherds are a perimeter security system whose function is to protection of delimited terrain.

Formed by devices and wires or meshes high voltage, fences will prevent the passage of animals. Preventing so much so that wild or domestic animals can access the land, like others they can leave or enter in the same. Thus protecting the place.

The operation of electric shepherds starts from the energizer, which will generate a electric boost spreading through cables or meshes. He fenced will thus have electric current, causing a impulse the animal that contacts him. The current will return to the ground, and although the animal will not suffer serious damage, will be warned and will not attempt to cross the fence again. It is very important use of earthing, to be effective operation of the shepherds.

When carrying out its installation it is important adapt it to the protection of the desired animal. For this is It is important to take into account factors of the animal such as its physical conditions or its ability.

It is recommended to use controllers to measure the fence voltage assiduously. For land with a high vegetation or wild animals, it is recommended the use of powerful energizers.

In Jauteco we have the necessary accessories for the installation of a electric fence:

Energizers      Batteries and batteries     Tapes and cables   Controllers and Sockets  Insulators