Palomas cage 4 departments

60,3069,95 + VAT

The four-department Pigeon Cage is used to transport Pigeons, Quails or other birds with similar characteristics. This product is made of resistant materials that prevent the escape of the animal, as well as that it suffers any damage.

The grids with which the cage is made, makes the transport of animals flexible and without dangers. The product has several accessories, such as a trough and a feeder for birds.

Possibility of choice when buying the product, choose with or without legs

Palomas cage 4 departments

The Cage Palomas four departments is used for the transport of pigeons, quails or other birds of similar characteristics. This product is made of resistant materials that prevent the escape of the animal, as well as that it suffers any damage.

The grids with which the Cage is made, makes the transport of animals is flexible and safe. The product has several accessories, such as a trough and a trough for the birds.

In the center of the cage a grid the part of in four halvesso the animals can to be separated without danger of attacking each other. It is also possible to transport up to four types of different birds, each one in a part of the Cage.

Possibility of choice when buying the product, choose with or without legs.

The Pigeon Cage complies with all the regulations of the Animal Protection Law. It is advisable to visit the Pigeon Transport Cage every day, so that the animal will not suffer from hunger or thirst.

Both Pigeons and Quail are animals with a varied diet. When filling the feeder it is advisable to use wheat or grain food, so these birds will have an adequate diet.

The features of the Cage of Palomas 4 departments are the following:

Dimensions: 1040 x 585 x 260 mm.

Compartment: 250 x 440 x 260 mm.