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Tablilla Zona de Adiestramiento de Perros de Caza

Tablilla Zona de Adiestramiento de Perros de Caza utilizada para informar de Zona de Adiestramiento en España con medidas 50×33.

The regulations indicate that this tablet is used in Spain, With the exception of the Autonomous Communities that use their own that will be indicated in their normative.

The Tablet has some measures 50 × 33, reason why it is grouped within the first order. This tablet should be placed before the second order, in order to inform people.

Highly reinforced

This Tablet is made of Highly reinforced Galvanized Steel sheet. This material allows you to withstand inclement weather.

It is advisable to place the Tablet securely to the ground. The Tablet must signpost in a visible place el peligro por Zona de Adiestramiento de Perros de Caza. Una mala colocación de la tablilla, puede impedir que la persona pueda ser advertida del peligro, adentrándose en la zona y así poniendo en riesgo su integridad.

The colors used by this Tablet are the white, with black letters. The colors used are common in the tablet, so that the human seeing it will know that it is an important warning.